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Since 1983, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has been educating the public about the litter problem in Tennessee, keeping roadways safe and maintaining the natural beauty of the state. Litter prevention and collection efforts, through the Tennessee Litter Grant Program and Keep Tennessee Beautiful, have removed an average of 11,573 tons of litter each year from 96,000 miles of public roads. Tennessee soft drink producers and malt beverage distributors have been the primary funding force for these litter education, removal and beautification efforts.

MORE: Revenue from a portion of soft drink and malt beverage sales, known as the Litter Grant Program, is directed to TDOT for its comprehensive litter prevention and control efforts.
Litter Grants are available to all 95 counties. Funding is allocated to each county by a formula based on population and road miles. The Litter Grant Program supports a variety of programs and activities that help reduce litter throughout Tennessee. Read the full report here.
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